Black Label Trading Co


In 2015, James and Angela Brown established Black Label Trading Company within their boutique Oveja Negra cigar factory located in Nicaragua. At Black Label Trading Co, we proudly present an exceptional range of premium handmade cigars, meticulously handcrafted in limited quantities. Our commitment to small-batch production guarantees each cigar is expertly rolled, delivers a seamless draw, and consistently delights with its exceptional flavor.


Black Label Trading Company creates hand crafted premium cigars of the utmost quality in small batch, highly limited quantities. This allows us to meticulously select the finest tobacco from the richest tobacco-growing regions of Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico and Ecuador. This allows our master blender, expert growers and hand rollers to produce utterly unique cigars of unsurpassed quality and flavour. Finally, this approach to cigar making replaces the standard cigar experience with the Black Label Cigar Experience.
James Brown