The Culebra shaped cigars are somewhat of an enigma in the cigar world, many myths and tales have been going around the cigar world for over a century. These 3 Panatela cigars are braided together in to a bundle, which can be unravelled and smoked singularly. These rare cigars are only produced as limited edition cigars, but Chinchalero have opted to make these as a regular vitola in their collection. Rolled from pure Nicaraguan tobaccos, these mild cigars offer a woody flavour with hints of coffee and subtle spice.
One of the main myths surrounding this unique shape origins was with the Cuban cigar rollers. It has been told to prevent theft from with the factories, rollers were given a set of three every day. Any roller found smoking a standard cigar would be sacked for theft. This myth was rejected by Min Ron NEE and to this day only 3 Cuban factories have produced these cigar since the revolution.
The second myth comes from Min Ron NEE who stated roller in the Philippine’s first made these around the 1890’s. This has been rejected by Tony Hyman who produced images and documentation to show these had been produced in America since the 1880’s.
No matter the origins, the Culebra was made a novelty and still excites cigars smokers to this day. The ideal gift for any cigar connoisseur thanks to the small SLB coffin box.
Chinchalero are produced by Horizan cigars in Esteli Nicaragua, drawing on decades of experience from local farmers and rollers. These premium quality cigars was first produced for a cigar importer in Norway and soon became available to the rest of the European Market. This is line of cigars has been known under the following names around Europe “El Cubanito and Cucaracha”.
Rolled using long leaf filler in small batches, this smaller production setup allows the Horizon to offer constant quality, opposed to rushed larger scale production. For the money you cannot find better quality, even compared to many larger machine made cigars from Europe.
*Packaging may differ slightly due to TPD
Length - 5 3/4"
Ring Gauge - 34
Vitola - Culebra
Flavour - Light
Packaging - SLB (3 Cigars)
Hand Rolled in - Nicaragua
Wrapper - Connecticut
Binder - Honduran
Filler - Nicaraguan