Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy, A.J produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day to day operations are managed under the watchful eye of A.J and his father Ismael, with assistance from the rest of his extended family.
Through a fusion of inherited Cuban techniques and learned patience, Fernandez filler tobaccos are grown from prized seeds which are propriety only to his family, making them one of the hottest properties in the cigar industry today with high quality and flavourful cigars.
The first blend to be introduced under the AJ Fernandez Portfolio Series, Last Call is the perfect way to commence the day with a cup of coffee or end the evening with your favorite beverage. A delicious Ecuadorian Rosado Habano wrapper envelopes a binder and select fillers from Nicaragua. Medium to full bodied, this quick smoke delivers quite a punch with notes of black pepper, cedar, nuts and cinnamon.
Wrapper: Rosado Ecuador
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
Length - 4 1/2"
Ring Gauge - 48
Box of 25 Cigars