Just like the New World Navegate Robusto, these smaller smokes are handmade at the A J Fernandez factory in Nicaragua and contain the same all Nicaraguan blend- a dark oscuro wrapper from Esteli with a Jalapa binder and filler from Ometepe, Condega and Esteli.
Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy, A.J produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day to day operations are managed under the watchful eye of A.J and his father Ismael, with assistance from the rest of his extended family.
Through a fusion of inherited Cuban techniques and learned patience, Fernandez filler tobaccos are grown from prized seeds which are propriety only to his family, making them one of the hottest properties in the cigar industry today with high quality and flavourful cigars.
The New World is a true work of art blended with the finest tobaccos found in the four main tobacco regions of Nicaragua. Hand selected wrapper and fillers from Esteli, Ometepe, Condega and Jalapa are showcased in a beautiful medium to full-bodied box pressed cigar. Notes of coffee, pepper, wood, and chocolate enthrall and entertain the palate. Embark on the Journey.
Length - 4"
Ring Gauge - 36
Single Cigar in Cellophane