Arturo Fuente - Don Carlos - The Mans 80th Eye of the Shark - Single Cigar

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Indulge in the exquisite complexity and refinement of flavors with a rich African Cameroon wrapper embracing vintage Dominican filler. The select African Cameroon wrapper imparts a delicate sweetness that harmonizes flawlessly with the savory aroma. Crafted with unparalleled precision, a hallmark
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Indulge in the exquisite complexity and refinement of flavors with a rich African Cameroon wrapper embracing vintage Dominican filler. The select African Cameroon wrapper imparts a delicate sweetness that harmonizes flawlessly with the savory aroma. Crafted with unparalleled precision, a hallmark of Tabacalera A. Fuente, these cigars guarantee an even burn and smooth draw, truly standing as some of the world's most prestigious cigars.


Arturo Fuente cigars consistently earn top rankings in the global cigar landscape. Their renowned reputation for unmatched quality in flavor and construction has cultivated a devoted following among cigar aficionados.

In 2012, the Fuente enterprise commemorated a century of dedication, hard work, and family legacy. When Arturo Fuente established the company in 1912, envisioning his passion for cigars as a global benchmark in the industry would have been beyond imagination.

From its inception, the cornerstone of crafting a Fuente cigar has been unwavering quality: superior tobacco, impeccable craftsmanship, and a patient approach to creating truly exceptional cigars. As Carlos Fuente Sr. aptly stated, "We don't rush things; we simply uphold the authentic way of doing things."


Paying homage to the iconic creator and patriarch of the Fuente family, Don Carlos Fuente Sr., Arturo Fuente Don Carlos cigars stand as a pinnacle of smoking enjoyment globally.

To compose this masterpiece, Carlos Fuente Sr. expertly blended together rare, aged tobaccos, handpicked and matured for up to a decade. The cigars boast opulent and flavorful profiles, complemented by flawless African Cameroon wrappers that captivate both the eye and the palate.

The intricate selection of tobacco renders these cigars among the most distinguished creations meticulously rolled at Tabacalera A. Fuente in the Dominican Republic. In every aspect, Carlos Fuente Jr. relentlessly pursues the utmost in robust flavors, impeccable wrapper hues, and superior craftsmanship in each cigar that bears his father's illustrious name.

Strength: Medium to full


Length: 5 1/4"

Ring Gauge: 52