This full-bodied cigar offers a rich, creamy profile with subtle notes of vanilla, spice, and cedar. Its impeccable construction is complemented by a Colorado maduro wrapper, encasing the Dominican puro’s binder and filler. Recognized as the Dominican Republic's first puro, the Opus X is revered by cigar aficionados as a pinnacle of craftsmanship. Each Arturo Fuente Opus X Petit Lancero is meticulously handmade in the Dominican Republic.
About Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente cigars are renowned worldwide, consistently receiving top ratings for their exceptional flavor and construction. Celebrating 100 years in 2012, the Fuente family’s commitment to quality has made them a hallmark of the cigar industry. Since its humble beginnings in 1912, Arturo Fuente's passion for cigars has grown into a legacy, setting a global standard for excellence.
Length: 6 1/4"
Ring Gauge: 39