The CAO blending team embarked on a quest to create a new cigar for the CAO Classic Series, utilizing an age-old fermentation technique known as the round pilón. This method involves meticulously arranging tobacco leaves in small configurations to enhance their flavor and color through natural fermentation. By employing this technique, CAO aimed to achieve a taste and appearance that couldn't be attained through other means. The round pilón fermentation process also reduces the ammonia and sugar content of the wrapper leaf, resulting in improved burning and combustibility.
Agustin Garcia and Rick Rodriguez, the masterminds behind the CAO cigars, dedicated several years to experimenting with pilón fermentation, refining the process through extensive labor and patience. Once they were convinced of its remarkable effects on the tobacco, the decision was made to introduce a new line under the CAO brand, centered around this classic technique.
The blending team focused their pilón fermentation exclusively on the silky Habano seed Ecuadoran wrapper. They complemented it with spicy Nicaraguan filler and binder leaves sourced from the distinctive growing regions of Esteli and Ometepe. The outcome is a collection of well-balanced cigars, boasting a deep, rich color and an exceptional depth of flavor. These cigars exhibit prominent notes of wood, spice, and a touch of sweetness, creating a truly remarkable smoking experience.
CAO cigars are a renowned brand known for their high-quality, diverse range of premium cigars. Established in 1968, they blend tradition with innovation and use the finest tobacco leaves from countries like Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. With meticulous craftsmanship, each cigar is hand-rolled for a consistent and exceptional smoking experience. CAO stands out for their willingness to experiment with unique blends, including flavors like coffee and chocolate, appealing to those seeking something different. They offer a wide variety of flavors and strengths, catering to both novice smokers and connoisseurs. CAO's dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and innovation has earned them a prominent position in the cigar community.
Length: 5 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 44