Davidoff - Primeros Nicaragua Maduro - Single Cigar

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With Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro, you can enjoy the same level of complexity and intense stimulation of the original Davidoff Nicaragua cigars in a Petit Panetela format. Expertly fashioned by Davidoff, the Maduro blend provides a slightly stronger, sweeter
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With Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro, you can enjoy the same level of complexity and intense stimulation of the original Davidoff Nicaragua cigars in a Petit Panetela format. Expertly fashioned by Davidoff, the Maduro blend provides a slightly stronger, sweeter taste than the standard Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua.

Primeros Nicaragua Maduro pairs well with a bold coffee or a rich rum served neat.


Length: 4 1/8" 
Ring Gauge: 34