Cuban Cigar Sampler - Habanos Discovery - 3 Cigars

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Introducing our Cuban Cigar Discovery Sampler – a curated selection of three exquisite Cuban cigars that have been handpicked for their remarkable taste and value. Despite being hidden gems, these cigars are bursting with flavor and quality craftsmanship. Dive into the world of Cuban
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Introducing our Cuban Cigar Discovery Sampler – a curated selection of three exquisite Cuban cigars that have been handpicked for their remarkable taste and value. Despite being hidden gems, these cigars are bursting with flavor and quality craftsmanship.

Dive into the world of Cuban cigars with our sampler, carefully assembled to offer you an unforgettable experience. For less than £50, you can indulge in the following premium cigars:

  1. Vegueros Centrofino

    Originally introduced to the market in 1996 as a full bodied brand, Vegueros was a tribute to the countless generations of men and women that have cultivated tobacco in the world famous plantations of Pinar del Rio.

    The brand was relaunched in 2013 with a slightly lighter medium-bodied blend in new sizes and presented in unique tins of 16 cigars. Since then packs of 4 cigars have also been introduced.

    Vegueros translates into English as ‘Farmers’ andthese cigars have happily maintained their rustic edge. The names of each of the new vitolas havealso taken inspiration from the Cuban farmers’ vocabulary and the “Centrofinos” is no exception.Centro Fino is a classification for the leaves of the sun grown tobacco plant taken around mid-way up the plant. These generally constitute Seco leaves in the blend of a Havana cigar and are valued for their satisfying taste and aromas.

    Length - 5 1/8"
    Ring Gauge - 50


  2. La Flor De Cano Elegidos

    Flor de Cano cigars offer a good balance between flavour and aroma. Today all Flor de Cano are Tripa Corta, Totalmenta a Mano - short filler, totally hand made cigars composed of Vuelta Abajo and Semi Vuelta leaf.


    Length - 5"
    Ring Gauge - 50


  3. Jose L Piedra Petit Cetros

    Jose L. Piedra is a particularly notable Habano, not just because its blend consists of filler tobaccos exclusively grown in the Remedios tobacco region, but also due to its production using the entirely handmade, short filler technique.

    The Piedra family arrived in Cuba in the 1880s from the Spanish province of Asturias. They settled near the town of Santa Clara, situated at the heart of the Remedios region where tobacco has been cultivated since the 16th century. The family began crafting cigars during this time.


    Length: 5" 
    Ring Gauge: 38
    Strength: Medium 


Unlock the essence of Cuban cigar culture with our Discovery Sampler, designed to elevate your smoking journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore new flavors and indulge in the finest cigars – order yours today!