The Punch Petit Coronation is one of the finest, small format Cuban cigars in production as far as Glynn is concerned. This short 40 minute smoke is packed full of the classic “Cuban” woody flavours which grows through the bowl. The ideal cigar to have after lunch or at the start of multiple cigar experience.
Punch is one of the oldest Habanos brands still in production, being founded in the mid 19th century by Don Minuel Lopez. Aimed at the British Market with its branding, matching the popular publication at the time. In the 1930’s Punch was merged with Hoyo de Monterrey and to this day both are rolled at the La Corona factory.
Punch has a cult following with those who are looking for a medium bodied classic “Cuban” taste. Smooth and creamy with a woody and nutty flavour, with a little spice/pepper towards the end. A great alternative to Romeo y Julieta and ideal as either a beginners smoke or lunch time smoke for connoisseurs.
Length - 4 5/8"
Ring Gauge - 40
Vitola - Coronitas
Flavour - Medium
Packaging - Tubed
Hand Rolled in - Cuba
Wrapper - Cuban
Binder - Cuban
Filler - Cuban