Davidoff - Dominicana Short Robusto - Single Cigar

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Introducing the Davidoff Dominicana, a premium cigar line available in three popular formats: Toro, Robusto, and Short Robusto. Each cigar showcases exquisite craftsmanship with a pigtail cap and a foot band that reflects the carefully selected tobacco blends.

The Davidoff Dominicana Robusto Cigar offers an intense and complex smoking experience, delighting your palate with a carnival of flavors. This exceptional cigar features Dominican grown filler tobaccos that have been meticulously aged for six years, capturing the true essence of the Dominican Republic.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant ambiance of the Dominican Republic, where art, people, and music come alive. Close your eyes, savor the Davidoff Dominicana cigar, and pair it with a well-aged Dominican Rum to fully embrace the colorful scenery. This unique Dominican rum, with its sweet and spicy notes, perfectly complements the aromatic profile of the beautifully aged tobaccos in the Dominicana cigar.




Length: 4"
Ring Gauge: 50