Davidoff - Winston Churchill - The Late Hour - Churchill - Box of 20 Cigars

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Description Crafted as the first Nicaraguan Puro from Davidoff Cigars, Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto offers an intense palate stimulation with notes of white pepper, roasted coffee, and dark bitter chocolate, blended with a 10-year
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Crafted as the first Nicaraguan Puro from Davidoff Cigars, Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto offers an intense palate stimulation with notes of white pepper, roasted coffee, and dark bitter chocolate, blended with a 10-year old Nicaraguan Habano Rosado wrapper.

Davidoff Nicaraguan cigars and their bittersweet taste sensation are exceptionally paired with a semi-sweet rum such as Flor de Caña or a single malt whisky such as Bunnahabhain 12 Year.

This cigar, with a distinct complexity, depth and the headiest of flavours, help create a unique stimulation of the palate.


FORMAT: Churchill
WRAPPER: Habano - Marron Oscuro (Ecuador)
BINDER: Negro San Andrés - Mexico
FILLER: San Vicente Mejorado Visus (DR), Piloto Seco ( DR), Olor Visus ( DR), Esteli Visus ( Nica), Condega Visus cask aged ( Nica)
ENJOYMENT TIME: 1hr 5 mins