Gurkha - Heritage Collection- Robusto - Box of 24 Cigars

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The Heritage has a Rosado Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Dominican, Pennsylvanian, and Nicaraguan fillers. It is a medium bodied cigar full of robust flavors. It is hand rolled in Nicaragua. This cigar was blended by our blending team at American Caribbean Ciga

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The Heritage has a Rosado Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Dominican, Pennsylvanian, and Nicaraguan fillers. It is a medium bodied cigar full of robust flavors. It is hand rolled in Nicaragua. This cigar was blended by our blending team at American Caribbean Cigars in Nicaragua, with the input of our in-house blender and National Sales Director, Juan Lopez, and the blessings of KaizadHansotia. The flavorful blend has rich coffee and dark chocolate tones with a subtle and well-balanced spice present throughout. “We’re proud to release a fantastic medium to full-bodied blend in the Heritage Cigar. A true aficionado will not be disappointed with the wonderful collaboration of flavors in this cigar,” says KaizadHansotia, President and CEO of Gurkha Cigar Group, Inc.


 In 1887, at the height of the British rule, colonial soldiers began to make their own cigars from the local tobacco. The fondness of the British for these legendary Nepalese fighters inspired them to name their cigars " Gurkhas." 

Steeped in legend and history, the Gurkha cigars, created more than a century ago has been reborn and today is one of the most famous brands of luxury cigars in the world. Having extraordinary quality and premium blends of tobacco, Gurkha is known for limited release and rare tobacco products with outstanding and artistically-oriented packaging. 

Gurkha is also known as the 'Rolls Royce' of cigars and is enjoyed by many of the world's elite including members of Royalty, Military, leading government officials, and celebrities.





Length - 5"
Ring Gauge - 55