Joya Silver is what comes next in the Joya line. The latest addition to our modern line of cigars comes with an added punch, only achievable by the perfect union of an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Mexican San Andres binder and Nicaraguan fillers. A smoke that shines, designed for those who want more.
Joya De Nicaragua was established in 1968, making it the very first and oldest premium handmade cigar manufacturer in Nicaragua. They are located in the city of Esteli, in what has come to be known as the tobacco capital of the world. Joya De Nicaragua S.A is a 100% Nicaraguan owned and operated company that develops, manufactures and markets the internationally renowned cigar brands in over 40 countries.
The history of Joya goes hand in hand with Nicaragua's evolution over the last five decades as one of the most complex and enchanting countries in Latin America. The richness of their history allows them to be conscious and humbled of who they are, allowing them to talk about their experiences with authenticity.
Length - 5 "
Ring Gauge - 50