The Shade Delgado cigar is a great smoke, the cigar comes in a plastic tube and measures at 6" with a 33 ring gauge.
Quorum is one of the world biggest selling handmade cigars. This humble, bundled cigar is hand rolled in Nicaragua by JC Newman. The Newman factory have been rolling cigars since 1895, after founder (JC) Julius Ceaser Newman started rolling cigars in his family barn. His reputation grew and he eventually moved to Miami to be closer to Cuba and imported tobacco.
Quorum Classic cigars are handmade in Nicaragua, a country known for rich soil producing some of the world’s heartiest, full-bodied tobacco. An aged Nicaraguan filler and savoury Nicaraguan binder are complemented by a special sun grown Ecuadorian wrapper. The medium brown wrapper with very little veining offers a smooth and silky touch. Featuring a sweet, cedary and delightfully nutty flavor, this smooth cigar produces thick, white smoke seldom found in a value-priced cigar
Length - 6"
Ring Gauge - 33
Flavour - Medium / Mild
Packaging - Cellophane
Hand Rolled in - Nicaragua
Wrapper - Ecuadorian
Binder - Nicaraguan
Filler - Nicaraguan