Romeo y Julieta, one of the oldest and most recognisable cigar brands in the world, has introduced a new line, called Línea de Oro. Originally announced in 2020 to commemorate 145 years of the iconic brand, the new line is presented in three sizes: Dianas (53⁄8” (145mm) x 52), Hidalgos (5” (125mm) x 57) and
Nobles (51⁄3” (135mm) x 56)
All three sizes have been blended to a medium to full taste, a step up from the famous medium bodied blend used in the classic range.
The cigars are presented in stylish red lacquered boxes that carry an embossed medallion set on the lid. Each of the 20 cigars within are dressed with a bespoke band bearing the name of the individual vitola and a unique golden foot band that have edges trimmed with holographic elements, similar to those found on Cohiba vitolas.
Romeo y Julieta have one of the largest range of sizes in the entire Habanos collection. The brand started in the early 1870s and takes its name from Shakespeare’s classics. In all of Havanas rolling galleries, the Lectors would read from Newspapers and classic stories while the rollers made the cigars.
Length - 5 3/8"
Ring Gauge - 52
Flavour - Medium
Hand Rolled in - Cuba
Wrapper - Cuban
Binder - Cuban
Filler - Cuban