This Cigar is dedicated to all those who have served. Those that still are serving with the British Army, those who have served along side and those that support. This is for you. It is named after the British machine gun produced in Enfield, it was acclaimed as one of the best light machine guns of World War Two.
The Bren originally started of as one per rifle section but numbers soon increased so that they could have more fire power! The Bren was regarded as the principal weapon of an infantry section, providing the majority of its firepower. It was respected by British troops due to its reliability and combat effectiveness.
However the weapon system is controlled by the operator and some good ones at that! There are countless stories of courage, bravery, teamwork and selfless commitment paired with the use of this weapon system that have helped turn the very tides of battles and the war. The Bren is one hell of an impressive weapon system, without the right operator behind it, its completely useless.
Additional notes
Length – 5”
Ring gauge – 50
Vitola – Robusto
Strength 3/5 (Medium)
Average smoke time – 45 Minutes (average)