The Villiger Export cigars have been a staple for European smokers for generations. The Maduro wrapped version is a later addition to the range and quickly became popular with many smokers who enjoy a sweeter and slightly spicier smoke. The filler, binder and wrapper leaves are all grown from Cuban seed, for a rich and aromatic smoke. A great cigar for when you do not have time for a big hand rolled Habanos. Box pressed for a smoother and slower smoke.
Villiger has been producing cigars in Switzerland since 1888 and have been synonymous with premium cigars all over the world. Thanks to Villigers history, they are able to source only the finest tobacco from Cuba, Indonesia and Brazil. To this Villiger are one of Europe’s biggest cigar brands, with production exceeding 1.5 Billion cigars every year.
If you are looking for a smaller cigar when you do not have for a large hand rolled cigar, the Villiger range is perfect. 100% pure tobacco, with a slow burning and packed with flavour.
Length - 4"
Ring Gauge - 37
Vitola - Cigarillo
Flavour - Light - Medium
Packaging - Tissue paper
Machine Rolled in - Switzerland
Wrapper - Brazil
Binder - Java
Filler - Brazil, Dominican Republic, Indonesia