'Eiroa The First 20 Years' is a celebration of cigar master Christian Eiroa's two decades in the premium cigar business. Hand made in Eiroa's El Aladino factory in Danli, Honduras, each meticulously crafted cigar pays tribute to the Eiroa family - a cigar brand with a legacy 100 years in the making
Behind the cigar is a crop of tobaccos blended by his father Julio, grown by him in the Jamastran Valley, Honduras. The blend is highlighted by the binder, which is said to be an heirloom crop of tobacco that hasn't been used in more than 50 years.
The cigars are encased in unique lift-top boxes bound in a leather ribbon, paying homage to Christian Eiroa's grandfather and his habit for keeping his cigar cache at the foot of his bed inside a trunk