Gawith Hoggarth - Rich Dark Spring Dew (Formerly Rich Dark Honeydew)

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Most of the Gawith Hoggarth Lakeland tobaccos are Flake and the ones which you can get ready to smoke, are just the rubbed out versions. Rich Dark Honeydew (RDH) is different, it was created to be a ready to go, practically shag cut in its cut. The finer cut makes for a freer burning tobacco, whi
£4.49 - £195.99

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Most of the Gawith Hoggarth Lakeland tobaccos are Flake and the ones which you can get ready to smoke, are just the rubbed out versions. Rich Dark Honeydew (RDH) is different, it was created to be a ready to go, practically shag cut in its cut. The finer cut makes for a freer burning tobacco, which is ideal in the damp English conditions. Made from the classic blend of Virginias (Flue and Dark Cured) and a dash of Burley. The resulting tobacco is treated with steam and given a light, honeydew  topping.

From the pouch RDH has a sweet and pungent aroma, a very familiar Lakeland aroma. Once the tobacco is lit a pipe however, that strong aroma is surprisingly subdued. Not really a Lakeland by all accounts, the toppings just add a little sweetness and plays beautifully with the stronger Virginia flakes. Thanks to its cut this tobacco burns easily and should be smoked slowly, not only can she bite but also has a little power to her too.   

A great introduction to Lakelands or as an alternative to the popular “Supermarket” lakelands on the market here in the UK.


Blend - Virginia & Burley
Casings - Alcohol & Floral
Cut - Broken Flake
Origin - Kendal, England
Packaging -  Loose

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Strength - Medium/Strong
Added Flavours -  Mild/Medium
Taste -  Medium/Full
Overall -  3/4

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  • 4
    Rich Dark Spring dew

    Posted by Will on 9th Nov 2024

    As the name implies this is a Rich and Dark tobacco. The flavouring is quite strong and comes across as musty, molasses and maybe dark fruit. The tobacco taste is also apparent. The strength of the nicotine is between medium and high. A great tobacco that's worth trying.