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GQ Blends Pipe Tobacco
The GQ Blends used to be the flagship blend of GQ Tobaccos. This selection of handmade tobaccos were blended to fill gaps in the small range of blends sold in the UK. Of course some of them ended up being made, because Glynn just had a crazy idea, or someone suggested one. It was a sad day for smokers all over, when due to changes in legislation these blends left our shelves.
After over 18 months we are pleased to say these tobaccos are back, albeit in a slightly different fashion. The GQ Blends "Blend it yourself kits" allow the smoker the chance to purchase these blends and mix them at home. We have worked with Glynn to make a few minor alterations, to account for discontinued tobaccos etc, but still smoke as before. Every 50g pouch comes in the same triple walled bags as previously, with each component tobaccos packaged inside. More experimental smokers can have a go at modifying these blends and turning them into a truly personal experience. Just head over to our blending tobacco selection, if you are feel adventurous.
Browse our complete range of tobacco pipes, rolling tobacco, pipe tobacco and smoking accessories, get in touch with GQ Tobaccos.