Gawith Hoggarth - Bob's CH Flake - 50g Tin

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Bobs Choc Flake has a cult following, the unusual combination of Latakia, Cocoa and Lakeland florals. Comprised of Brazilian and African Virginias, a dash of Burley from Malawi and 8% Latakia. Without the toppings and casing, this would make for a great light Latakia flake. With the flavourings,
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Bobs Choc Flake has a cult following, the unusual combination of Latakia, Cocoa and Lakeland florals. Comprised of Brazilian and African Virginias, a dash of Burley from Malawi and 8% Latakia. Without the toppings and casing, this would make for a great light Latakia flake. With the flavourings, Bobs Choc Flake becomes one of Gawith Hoggarths most prized tobaccos.

From the pouch you get a spicy, smoky aroma from the tobaccos and a sweet chocolate scent from the toppings. The tobacco smokes best a little drier and rubbed out before smoking, but worth the extra effort. Once she is burning the magic happens; mingling with the sweet and smoky tastes of the base tobacco, is the chocolate, vanilla and floral extracts. The smoke is cool, smooth and has a wonderful room note. The florals are subtle and are barely detectable compared to most Lakelands, leaving the Chocolate and Latakia to take centre stage. 


Blend - Virginia, Burley & Latakia
Casings - Chocolate, Floral and Vanilla
Cut - Flake
Origin - Kendal, England
Packaging -  Loose

Ratings from

Strength - Medium
Added Flavours -  Mild/Medium
Taste -  Medium
Overall -  2.9/4

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