Cavalier Black Label II cigars are a premium cigar brand that is part of the Cavalier Geneva brand family. These cigars are known for their bold and complex flavor profile, which is achieved through a blend of carefully selected tobacco leaves from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador. The wrapper on the Black Label II cigar is a Mexican San Andres Maduro leaf, which gives the cigar a dark, oily appearance and a rich, full-bodied flavor. These cigars are available in a range of sizes, including robusto, toro, and gordo, and are known for their slow burn and even draw. The flavor profile of the Black Label II cigar includes notes of dark chocolate, espresso, and leather, with a hint of sweetness on the finish. If you're a cigar lover who enjoys a full-bodied, complex cigar, Cavalier Black Label II may be worth trying.
Origin: Honduran
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres Maduro, Binder: Nicaragua,
Filler: Nicaragua
Length - 5"
Ring Gauge - 54